Online Marketing

Discovering This Dirty Little Secret Will Change Your Online Marketing Strategy

Dear Friend,

One the of dirtiest little secrets in the marketing world is online marketing is totally different to normal marketing and none of the old school rules apply.

Well, it’s not true.

In fact, the only way online marketing differs to offline marketing is the technical know how needed to implement it. The core marketing fundamentals and desired outcomes remain the same. This is because…

The fundamentals of marketing never change, ever!

In the online world…

Instead of putting your ad in the paper – you post content in social media.

Instead of encouraging prospects to come to your store – you encourage them to go to your website.

Instead of meeting prospects to discuss their needs – you let your website copy do the hard work for you.

Social Media is the world’s online hang out, it’s a little bit like your local cafe. If you have a presence, you become part of the conversation. If you give useful input to the conversation, you’ll get recognised for it. If you just babble out rubbish – you’ll get recognised for that too.

At the end of the day, if you’re not getting traffic flowing though to your website, it’s because your message is not clear or the reason to do so is not not strong enough.

Be interesting and useful to your audience.

PS. The biggest advantage the online marketing world has given us is the ability to measure everything. If it’s not working, change something and try again.